As I sat down with 8 of of the 9 children I expected that day, I asked if anyone was missing from class. Some of
them immediately started counting the people around the table. Others
seemed to be studying the faces, playing a kind of memory game within
themselves to determine which friend was missing. A couple launched into
a trail and error method of calling out the names of the people who ought to
be there, hunting for the one who wasn't. There was discussion around
and across the table, a sharing of information, speculation, and data, a
discussion of strategy, until it was determined by consensus that
Orlando wasn't there.

how many are here today? They all started counting at once, the volume
rose rapidly, then without any intervention by adults the sound fell
again as each boy took a turn counting. Some ended with 8 others with 9.
There were re-counts, which resulted in the same discrepancy, until
Isak noticed that some of the kids were including Teacher Tom in the
count, while others were only counting children. A debate erupted over
whether or not Teacher Tom should be included, until they finally came
to the agreement that there were 8 kids, but if you included Teacher Tom
it was 9.
And Orlando was still missing; he was traveling with his family.
reader recently wrote asking about how, in a play-based curriculum, the
children in Woodland Park's Pre-3 class learn to count, recite their
A-B-C's, and other "conventional things."
know parents worry about these things, especially with this insane
"Tiger Mom" talk that has recently been injected into an already
emotional conversation. Let me assure you right here that the only
children who are genuinely at risk for not acquiring literacy and basic
math skills are those whose parents lack them, who do not speak English,
or who have a learning disability. I'm sure there are isolated examples
of the contrary, but by far the number one determinate for actual
illiteracy or mathematical illiteracy are illiterate parents. Everyone
else always learns these "conventional things" almost in spite of what
we do as teachers. And there is no correlation between learning these things early and future academic attainment.
None. Zip. Forget about it.
I tell the parents when they register at Woodland Park that "we never bring
letters or numbers into the classroom, except as they naturally occur
in the world." By that I mean, we have books, we wear name tags, there
are labels on things, and useful signs, but there is no drilling or
"teaching" about literacy or numeracy; no games specifically designed to
learn letters, sight words, or counting. For one thing, Pre-3's are
generally thought to be developmentally too young to have to worry about
such things. For another, there's no rush.

and numbers are abstractions from the real world: they represent
something real, but they are not real and are therefore too artificial
for the concrete brains of most young children to really comprehend. I
could, of course drill them to memorize their ABC's but that's not the
same as learning them. I'd much prefer to work with young children on
language development, which is something for which they are genetically
programmed. And there's no better way to do that than by having lots of
conversations with them on a variety of topics, which is simply fun. I
like to toss in new words when appropriate to expand vocabulary,
practice silly rhyming, and encourage them to tell me stories --
anything to get them using their language "muscle." I've never met a
child who did not enjoy this because it is simply what the human animal
is designed to do at this age. It is play. That said, I've never taught a
Pre-3 who didn't come in already knowing the alphabet song, which is a
fun way to at least learn what to call the letters, even if it may take a
few more years to really understand what letters are and what they do.
They learned this song by playing with their parents.

far as counting goes, I don't expect the Pre-3's to make it much
farther than 10, although many can, but consistently identifying numbers
doesn't typically start to happen until around 4. Again, however, I'm
not worried about it. It always happens as they need to know it
to be able to communicate about and understand the things they want to
do as part of their play. Instead of drilling, we again focus on things
that Pre-3's are designed to learn like sorting and patterning, which
after all, is all math really is no matter how far you go in the field.
When a child fills one basket with blue buttons and one with yellow, or
when they make a basic A-B-A-B stripe pattern on a tiger they're
drawing, that's "real" math as opposed to the digits, which are an
abstraction and won't make much sense to them until they get older.

they get older, they naturally start working on one-to-one
correspondence, which is what children demonstrate when they, say, count
beans or pennies. When young children play board games, they are
matching, taking turns, counting, making patterns, all of which are
"conventional things." Yes, you can drill a young child to memorize
numbers, just as you can letters, but that isn't the same as
comprehending what they mean. The meaning has to come first -- the
numbers are just a way to communicate about the "real" thing.

been teaching preschoolers for well over a decade employing nothing but
play as our curriculum. Not play "with a purpose," but simply creating
an environment in which children play according to their passions and
interests. They all head off to kindergarten either reading or right on
the verge of reading, which is right where kindergarten teachers around
here expect them to be. They all have a solid understanding of what
numbers mean and can even, as our Pre-K class did last week, carry on a
meaningful, sophisticated conversation about mathematical concepts.
These are things that naturally emerge from play.
I don't need to "teach" them. I just need to play with them.
I put a lot of time and effort into this blog. If you'd like to support me please consider a small contribution to the cause. Thank you!
And....what do you document? What kind of anecdotal notes do you take during this process and how many notes do you post on each child each week?? Ohhhh Thank you for your play and sharing your wisdom. it truly gives me the courage to continue to drag my heals in the dirt, raise my hand in protest, to just play and be an unfolder not a molder.
Is there any evidence that occasional recitation of the numbers and the alphabet will harm or slow the child's eventual understanding of what they really mean? I ask because it seems impossible to avoid exposing your child to it.
@chemcookit . . . Kids love to recite numbers and letters. We do lots of countdowns and sing the ABC song regularly. It's the forced march through this sort of stuff that's damaging, not when it comes up naturally as part of play.
I didn't teach my daughter's numbers out of the same reasoning you spoke of - they are meaningless by themselves. I have never counted with her or taught her how to count or expected her to learn numbers etc. She learn to count when she began playing hide and seek with other kids and felt a need to count. Then it was real for her..
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