I read somewhere that only Christmas surpasses Halloween in terms of retail sales. I'm glad it's become so popular. I love the ancient "pagan" holidays (e.g., winter and summer solstice, the equinoxes, May Day, etc.) because they’re secular, fun for both kids and adults, and based on observable scientific fact. People sometimes try to attach Halloween to Christianity, but it predates the birth of Christ by thousands of years. Several years ago I went to a fantastic Pacific Science Center Planetarium show in which they detailed the astrological phenomenon that likely prompted ancient peoples across Europe to celebrate what we now call Halloween. Like all pagan celebrations it was a pre-scientific attempt to make sense of the physical world that ancient people observed around them. It was a magnificent exercise in imagination, one so powerful we still enjoy it today.
Our school’s “high holidays" come during the January-February run of Martin Luther King’s Birthday, Chinese New Year, and Valentine’s Day. It’s a feverish rush from one celebration to the next culminating in a classroom decorated with rainbow people, dragons, and pink hearts.
In contrast, the build-up to Halloween is a long, steady march that begins now and culminates in an evening costume party to which the children bring their families.
I knew it was time to get started on Thursday when both Katherine and Thomas excitedly described their Halloween costumes to me (princess and forklift respectively). At Circle Time I got out my clipboard and asked the children to raise their hands and tell us what they were going to be, then compiled a comprehensive list.
I love this exercise. We’ll probably run down this list at every Circle Time between now and Halloween. It's a great way to get everyone participating. I’ll read their names and their proposed costumes. Some children stick doggedly to their original designs, while others treat it as a creative exercise, changing their minds right up to the big day itself.
I often see parents rolling their eyes at their child’s latest iteration, especially when it switches to “alligator” two days before Halloween after a month of wanting to be a ghost. Some parents scramble to help their child fulfill his preschool wish, but I like to remind them that our school discussion about costumes is a separate discussion from the one they have at home.
This process can lead to some imaginative solutions. For instance, during my first year teaching, a boy named Jace announced day-after-day that he was going to be a "Power Puff Girl." He always pronounced it boldly with his fist held over his head. When he arrived at our party, however, he was dressed in what was clearly a lion costume.
I said, "I thought you were going to be a Power Puff Girl." Behind him his mother Rena was frantically making gestures telling me to shut up. Evidently, there had been some creative negotiations at home.
Jace didn’t miss a beat. He threw both arms over his head and answered, "I am a Powerpuff Girl!" And, indeed, he was.
Thanks for the post (and keep 'em comin'!). Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday, one thing that motherhood definitely did not change about me. And because it is, sometimes it's harder for me to accept when things don't go according to plan. Jules has changed his mind on his costume about a dozen times since we started talking about it. Now he's "settled" on being a witch. We'll see on the day if that prediction comes true or not. He had two costumes last year. A very snazzy gorilla costume, which he wore to his class party, and a laid-back lion costume made out of a cheap mask I bought at Target for $1 and Carhart overalls. I'm hoping that, instead of being disappointed at his choice this year, I'll simply be wowed by his clever little mind. I'm sure whatever he decides to be will be amazing.
That is great! and everyone in the family was happy. :)
Negotiations indeed : )
Perfectly delightful story!
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