It's always good to be back home, as well as to be back here in blog-space trying to untangle my thoughts and impressions of a week in North England where I participated in the EarlyArts International UnConference on November 9, both as a work shop leader and panelist, as well as a delegate.
I suspect I have a bunch of posts in front of me about the conference, the schools I visited, the people I met, and the things I learned, but sitting here in the comfort of my home in drizzly Seattle, all I can think of are my hosts Ruth, Pat, Evan and Chaia, who shared not just their home with me for a week, but also the warmth and love of their family.
Six-year-old Chaia greeted me at the Liverpool John Lennon Airport with a portrait . . .
. . . and a message that was balm to a frazzled traveler.
It was a declaration of intent from the heart of the most gracious hosts on earth. And when we pulled over on the way home to drop her off at a birthday party, her 9-year-old brother Evan pulled himself away from his fun, including fireworks, to meet this tired, old stranger with those hard American R's and flat A's. And when we arrived home where he had vacated his room for me, I found another greeting pinned to the bulletin board above the bed.
No traveler has ever been made to feel more at home.
When Ruth (who, not incidentally, while in the midst of hosting me, was also in charge of the UnConference) left to retrieve the children at their party, I, in the spirit of trying to stay awake until a decent bed time, set out for a quick tour of this village set in the midst of the moody moors I'd only known from the novels of Thomas Hardy. It was hard to take a photo of the countryside that didn't look like a painting.
And I've struggled and failed to come up with a less cliched word than "charming" to describe their home and the village around it.
I really would love to have a crack at building one of these characteristic
stacked stone walls.
After a great night's sleep in Evan's comfortable bed, I met Pat and the kids down the hill in Holmfirth, where even the English use the word "charming," being as it is the setting for the long-running BBC program The Last of the Summer Wine, a show that oozes charm from its digital pores.
Children, including Evan and Chaia, raced wildly though it, shrieking and giggling. Naturally, I had to buy the proffered The Den Experiment starter kit. After all, it was clear that children enjoyed the end result. Now we would take some home and experiment to see if real world children could manage the construction technique.
Before I'd even thought to break out the camera, we'd used up the materials in the tube. Fortunately, Pat found more canes, ties, and pins in the garage, and Evan and Chaia took it from there.
The children, clearly practiced den builders, knew where the extra fabric was kept.
In the coming days and weeks as I write about UnConferences, work shops, schools and education, the presumed reasons for my trip, be aware that it was all secondary to this home within a home away from home, and how at home Ruth, Pat, Evan, and Chaia made to feel there.

Awe I LOVE that welcome home sign! What a wonderful host family! :)
Love the country side pictures too, really, breathtakingly beautiful!
Can't wait to read about your experiences and thoughts!
Oooh! That den building looks super fun! Can't wait to hear all about the conference!
Very cool!
Good to have you back Tom - I've missed you :) Can't wait to hear more of your travels and see more of your photos. I love the idea of a Den building kit - what a great present that would make.
I went to University in Huddersfield so that scenery is incredibly familiar to me. It is breathtakingly beautiful. I love the den building kit - very simple and easy to replicate. I feel a project coming on!
What a beautiful place to visit and how awesome to have such a great host to stay with. It is nice to have you back!!
Tom it was so lovely to have you at unconference, and I can assure you that is Ruth all over, one of the most generous women I know without a doubt. (Her children are very lucky!) It is a very scenic part of the country. I may be biased but I think the North is the most beautiful part of the UK by miles. Thanks for coming to visit, and hope it's lovely to be back in your home and back at Woodlands. Sally (earlyarts researcher)
So glad to hear you had a lovely time :) We're whistling through Leeds and Yorkshire, then over west to North Wales when we go back in a few weeks. I'm even more keen to get my bags packed now after the lovely pictures you posted. My dad used to build dry stone walls like the one you showed. He made it look easier than it was!
Hi Tom,
Evan here,
I saw a vidio of the unconference,
You were in it and now you must be famous!
I also saw your website, I was glad to see you mentioning me,Chia,Pat and Ruth on it too.
I really liked having you here, I was really nervous at having you here at first, but it turned out that you were very fun, and altogether, wonderful.
Yours Sincerly, Evan. xxx
Hi tom
Chia speaking
I really liked you and you were very fun. I saw your web site and it was very interesting. I liked it when it said Chia, Pat, Ruth and Evan in the den but most of all, I liked your magic tricks. They were great fun. But altogether you were wonderful.
lots of love Chia xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
How luck to be taken in by such a lovely family ... it looks like you had a nice time ... Welcome home!
Donna :) :)
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