I’m heading to the downtown Seattle Barnes & Noble this morning to take part in a fundraising book fair sponsored by the Parent Advisory Council of the North Seattle Community College affiliated cooperative preschools. I’m going to be reading a couple books and will probably throw in a song or two for good measure. If you’re in the area, come on down. I start at 11 a.m.
Parent educator and author Elizabeth Crary will also be there to talk about her terrific book, Dealing With Disappointment.
I’m planning to read one of my all-time favorite pictures books, Storm Boy, by Paul Owen Lewis. At school I like to read this one along with Sendak’s Where The Wild Things Are to the older kids then spend time finding similarities between these two deceptively simple, yet incredibly rich stories.
The second book I’m planning to read is the latest book from the wife and husband team of Kate and Jim McMullen, the folks who brought you the fantastically energetic I Stink and I’m Mighty. I love reading these books in class. They’re full of fun sound effects and a kind of childish bravado that really grabs the kids’ attention. This one is called I’m Bad and stars a romping, stomping T-Rex. The only thing that makes me a little nervous is that I’ve never actually read this entire book before (only the few pages you can see online), so I’m placing my trust in the authors. I’m heading down early to make sure I’ve read it a couple times first. I long ago learned to never read a book aloud cold. You never know what you’ll find in there!
I’ve threatened to wear my pink bunny costume, but decided against it. I’m worried it’ll scare the kids who don’t know me.

Please let me know how you like "I'm Bad" sounds like it could be an excellent book from Santa! I'm bummed we couldn't make the event.
I wish I were in the Seattle area, I would love to hear you read and meet you in person, just to make sure you're really real.
As a fellow preschool teacher, I LOVE reading your description of your classroom, school, and students. But it also makes me wonder if you have ever dealt with parents or administrators who do not want you to write about your class for fear of privacy issues. I had tried writing about my class a couple years ago without naming any names and was reprimanded. Just wondering if it's ever been an issue for you.
It was great fun! Thanks so much for helping us out with the fundraiser. The kids (and parents) loved it!
Co-op friends, those vouchers are still good through 12/16 at ANY Barnes & Noble store if you haven't used yours yet!
Oh, sounds like fun!
Hope the day went well!
I am laughing at Jason's comment : ) You do sound too good to be true! But I know you are real! Just like I know Santa is real : )
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