Monday, June 06, 2011

That's What Eternity Is Made Of

"The gifts we treasure most over the years are often small and simple.

In easy times and in tough times, what seems to matter most is the way we show those nearest us that we've been listening to their needs . . .

. . . to their joys, and to their challenges."

"In giving help, a parent experiences one of the best feelings that any of us can have: that life has meaning because we are needed by someone else.

Watching a baby grow with our help tells us other things we like to feel about ourselves: that we are competent and loving."

"I believe that infants and babies whose (parents) give them loving comfort whenever and however they can are truly the fortunate ones.

I think they're more likely to find life's times of trouble manageable, and I think they may also turn out to be the adults most able to pass loving concern along to the generations that follow after them."

"Learning and loving go hand in hand.

My grandfather was one of those people who loved to live and loved to teach. 

Every time I was with him, he'd show me something about the world or something about myself that I hadn't even thought of yet.

He'd help me find something wonderful in the smallest of things, and ever so carefully, he helped me understand the enormous worth of every human being.

My grandfather was not a professional teacher, but the way he treated me (the way he loved me) and the things he did with me, served me as well as any teacher I've ever known."

"In the external scheme to things, shining moments are as brief as the twinkling of an eye, yet such twinklings are what eternity is made of . . .

. . . moments when we human beings can say "I love you," "I'm proud of you," "I forgive you," "I'm grateful for you."

That's what eternity is made of: invisible, imperishable good stuff."

~Mister Rogers

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  1. This is so beautiful. I loved Mr. Rogers as a child. His show was full of wonder and make-believe (which I was all about as a child!) but I always learned something too. The show wasn't splashy and fast-paced like Sesame Street. It was more like a warm, gentle hug. As an adult, I appreciate even more his quiet ways. As a teacher, your post is a great reminder of who I should strive to be in the lives of the children I teach. What an amazing foundation we could give the kids we work with if we can "help [them] find something wonderful in the smallest of things, and ever so carefully, [help them] understand the enormous worth of every human being." "Academics" will come. At this stage of the game, THIS is what it should be all about. Thanks for the reminder!

  2. " "The gifts we treasure most over the years are often small and simple." "
    Thank you so the sweet and simple gift of this post. I love when you write about Mr. Rogers, as he will always be one of my heroes. Thanks for making me smile on a Monday, Tom! :)

  3. When I read the words of Mr. Rogers I always get a tear in my eye. He was the gentlest of men who spoke with such profound truth!

  4. Just beautiful. I love Mr. Rogers.

  5. Reads like a Grace for Living. Unassuming Mr. Rogers really rocks, doesn't he?

  6. Plain and simple: Mister Rogers loved people. I aspire to that.

  7. This is beautiful - the quotes with the pictures. It looks like you have a very special place there and I love that you share all your creative ideas. Very happy to find your blog!
