Sunday, September 06, 2009

Carved Books

If you read the profile attached to this blog, you'll notice that I refer to myself, among other things, as an artist. I shared some of my illustrations here a few days ago, but to be honest it's been a long time since I broke out the paints. More recently my artistic endeavors have been expended in what I call "carving books." And while Teacher Tom's Blog exists primarily to address matters related to my role as a teacher, I'm going to be exerting myself this morning in the garage, scrambling to get ready for my first art installation. I thought I'd share some images of my work by way of inspiring myself to build a dozen black easels for the display.

The show will at the main library of North Seattle Community College. I'm planning to get it installed on Monday, September 14, right after my first day of school. Needless to say I'm excited and grateful, especially to librarian Elinor Appel who has been advocating on my behalf.

The process is to use a small, sharp knife, tweezers, and a headlamp to very carefully carve down one page at a time. I wish my photography was better. I hope you can make out what I'm up to.

Funk & Wagnall Standard Dictionary, A-Lobar

Funk & Wagnall Standard Dictionary, Lobate-Z

Arabian Nights

Whole Earth Catalog

Vogue, December, 2008

The Illustrated Almanac of Historical Facts

The Iliad and the Odyssey

The Dark Thirty

The Believer, Forty-Seventh Issue, Beoufcake, September 07



Now We Are Six (A.A. Milne)

Madel Waffe

Harper's Bazaar, December, 2008

Elle Magazine, May, 2008

Elsewhere, Perhaps (Amos Oz)

First Aid, Fourth Edition, American national Red Cross

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  1. This is quite amazing. I'm looking forward to seeing the carvings.

  2. I wish Seattle was closer to indy because I would LOVE to see these in person!! I was ooo-ing and aaaw-ing down the page and then found tears in my eyes when I got to the AA Milne piece... What a talented man you are, Teacher Tom!

  3. amazing! I hope to see it in person!

  4. Incredible! How exciting to be showing them.

  5. This is absolutely amazing. Oh my word. How fascinating! What a great skill!

  6. Anonymous10:40 AM

    would love to see it in person! looks amazing. what an awesome way to display loved literature!

  7. Elinor5:09 PM

    It's up and looks great!

  8. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Would love to hear more about the process to create these.
