The Boogie Woogie Raindeer was all boogie all day.
- Jack (3)
Why did the bear let go of his umbrella?
Cause he liked his umbrella going high.
– Luna (3)
It’s a choo choo.
Crashed it.
- Finn (3)
I don’t know what my story is.
– Sarah (3)
It was a T-Rex!
– Fletcher (3)
Build a flower. Nothing else.
– Annabelle (3)
Hidden floor came.
- Lukas (3)
Anjali, Mikey, Katherine, Alex, Jack, Annabelle, Nia, Ava, Thomas, Teacher Tom, Banana!
– Anjali (3)
Some pliers bought some tools.
And then it bought some rules.
– Thomas (3)
One time there was a talking head. Then that’s the end.
- Ava (4)
Humity, humity, humity.
– Josephine (3)
I laughed out loud when I read these. Man, I miss teaching!